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Andy Gahan. Graffiti amongst other things!

From my early days, I was always interested in art and when I was around 14 or 15 I got into graffiti. I drew a lot and I began painting illegally. 


I got busted by the police when I was 15 and I promised my dad that I wouldn't paint illegally again - and I didn't.


I focussed my art skills in video games, getting a job as a junior artist. I rose through the ranks and the more senior I became, the less art I did. I've written a bunch of books on art for video games but longed to be more creative.


Years went by and I started to paint again, this time around commissions and canvases, if you like my work, let me know and if you'd like to own some - get in touch, I'll show you what I have available or you can commission your own piece.


Get in touch with me at - speak to you soon.


Andy Gahan

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